New Video! Back with Teryn Gregson, Faithful Freedom, WeThePatriotsUSA, LibertyNow
More on the attack on school exemptions, and updates on lawsuits in Connecticut.
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This is a new presentation with further distinctions regarding the attack on school exemptions, and its connection to lawsuits in Connecticut.
Teryn is great at getting me to take a breath once in a while. My challenge is I could do a lecture on almost every content slide.
I am a streaming rookie and inadvertently shared the presenter view instead of slide display. Not terrible on a computer, a bit tough on a phone. If this is an issue, I can post the slides for easier viewing.
The litigation in Connecticut is very important, because these cases have the potential to have national impact, breaking precedent, and creating new precedent.
Jacobsen v Massachusetts, the primary case used to claim authority for requirements, was litigated in 1905. Should the advances of the last 118 years be considered in its application?
In 1905 Doctors were still arguing about handwashing, sanitary practices were the “new shiny thing”, antibiotics in clinical practice was 40 years in the future post WW2 1945, and many basic concepts of treatment were new or still to be discovered.
Societally, wide improvements in public sanitation, the Rural Electrification Act, the War on Poverty with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicare and Medicaid, and the Civil Rights movement expanding access by minorities to Health Care resulted in a huge positive impact on the populations still threatened by childhood infections.
I explain specific details regarding the misrepresentations put forth by Connecticut Department of Public Health to the Connecticut Legislature to support the bill revoking exemptions.
During a legislative session, advocates have no, or little opportunity to fact check Public Health assertions to the members or in hearings. Public Health is considered to be infallible, and their statements are definitive. This reluctance by politicians to question, much less challenge Public Health proclamations, and deference to “experts”, played a large part in the Covid response fiasco.
What is happening in Connecticut? There are 2 groups with live lawsuits challenging the repeal of the religious exemption.
My involvement? In reviewing the communications between the parties, it does not appear that CT DPH has informed the CT Attorney General’s Office they fibbed to support the bill.
CT DPH is falsely claiming that vaccines can create a 100% immune campus population through vaccination, while simultaneously confirming vaccine failure in notices to doctors that, “2 doses of MMR does not preclude a measles diagnosis”, which is agency speak for “the vaccines don’t always work”.
Now, this does not mean that if the vaccines did work mandates are appropriate. No. Mandates are anathema to the free exercise clause of constitutional rights.
This is parallel to the discussions being prompted by the Twitterfiles. Censored individuals and organizations are pointing out that the censored information was accurate. But that is irrelevant to the free speech right- the whole point is the freedom to speak- right or wrong (within the legal framework).
That is why the California bill AB2098, restricting speech by law, is so dangerous. (Uh oh, I am starting to demonstrate that I could lecture on every slide).
CT DPH misrepresented the vaccination and exemption status of the CT school system in multiple ways to influence the legislature.
This will be easily proven if the courts will simply hear the merits.
A favorable decision in Connecticut could be the crack in the dam needed to begin the restoration of religious rights in the states that have lost them.
These states that were subjected to the same deceptive practices.
I am preparing a detailed California analysis of the subterfuge used to pass SB277, I am presenting to a CA group, and if it is not publicly posted I will find a venue and get it up somewhere.
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